Aimb;>y;;|in;k: s!em; s;eDs;
ES Cells

2005 s;;lcy;; aQy;Z;Iy; in;v;#[;Uk:It; m;;|#re!r b;;|b; x;If:r y;;n;I p;>eis;#e]! b;ux; a;i[; s;en;e!r j;;|n; k:erI y;;]n;; aek: p;>Sn; iv;c;;rl;.
j;r t;umhI in;v;#Un; a;l;t; t;r t;umhI ae]ib;>y;;|in;k: s!em; s;el irs;c;* s;ur: @ev;;l k:; ?
p;>eis;#e]! b;ux; Wdg;;rle, n;;hI. k:;r[; m;l; k:;hI j;Iv; j;g;v;[y;;s;;@I wt;r j;Iv; m;;r;y;c;e n;;hIt;. m;I a;Q;Ic; 60 s!em; se;l l;wns;n;; Wp;y;;eg; k:r;y;c;I p;rv;;n;g;I idlelI a;he. ty;;Wp;r m;I j;;[;;r n;;hI.
s;en;e!r k:erI mh[;;le m;I j;r in;v;#Un; a;l;e t;r Hy;;
ES cells v;rc;I s;v;* b;]Q;n;] k:;$Un; !;k:en;. a;p;Dy;; s;g;Ly;;]c;e j;v;Lc;e B;;w*b;]d , n;;t;ev;;wk: p;;ik:*ns;n;, #;y;b;ei!s;, a\lz;;y;m;r, k:|ns;r a;id r;eg;;]n;I p;I#It; a;het;. ES cells m;uLe Hy;;t;le K;Up; r:g[; b;re h;eW: x;k:t;Il, j;;st; j;g;U x;k:t;Il. ES cell s;]x;;eQ;n; ty;;]n;; n;v;I a;x;; deW: x;k:[;;r a;he. IVF ikln;Iks; m;Q;e v;;p;r:n; Wrlele ik:t;It;rI g;B;* k:;r[;;ix;v;;y; g;;e@v;leDy;; isq;t;It; @ev;le j;;t;;t; ik:v;; K;Up;x;; dex;;]t; g;;e@v;[y;;c;I t;]F;e p;urex;I iv;k:is;t; n; z;;Dy;;m;uLe as;e g;B;* f:ek:le j;;t;;t;. m;I he b;Ij;;[;U ty;;]cy;; p;;lk:;]cy;; p;rv;;n;g;In;e p;rt; v;;p;rIn;. ES Cells Hy;; p;ex;I p;>y;;eg;x;;Let; p;e!MI i#x;m;Qe; v;;$v;leDy;; as;t;;t;. ty;; a;w*cy;; g;B;;*x;y;;t;Un; a;leDy;; n;s;t;;t;. ty;;m;uLe j;Iv;;l; m;;r;y;c;; p;>Sn;c; y;et; n;;hI. a;i[; m;uKy; g;;e{! mh[;j;e b;;k:Icy;; dex;;]p;eZ;; am;eirk:; Hy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;t; m;;g;e p;#lelI m;l; a;v;#[;;r n;;hI.
dus;Ry;; idv;x;I a\lz;;y;m;r r;eg;;n;e p;I#leDy;; m;;j;I aQy;Z; r;|n;;D# reg;n;cy;; p;tn;I n;|ns;I reg;n; y;;]n;Ie p;>eis;#e]! b;ux;n;;
ES cells v;r s;]x;;eQ;n; s;ur: @ev;;y;c;I iv;n;]t;I k:elI. ty;; mh[;;Dy;;, he s;]x;;eQ;n; j;r a;Q;I s;ur: z;;l] as;t;] t;r m;;z;e p;it; v;;c;le as;t;e. aek:; ap;G;;t;;n;e b;rIc; v;{;* K;uc;I*l; iK;LUn; as;leDy;; iK;>s!;ef:r rIvHj;n;ehI he s;]x;;eQ;n; j;;er;t; s;ur: @ev;;y;c;I k:Lk:LIc;I iv;n;]t;I k:elI. m;l; WB;] r;h[y;;s;;@I Q;#Q;;k:! p;;y; p;;ihj;e a;het;. g;;v;;t; %;n;p;Ek:I c;;lt; j;;W:n; im;F;;b;r;eb;r g;pp;; m;;r;y;l; v; ty;;n;]t;r G;rI y;eW:n; p;;y; t;;[;Un; deW:n; aeK;;d; is;n;em;; !IvhIv;r b;G;[;e he m;;z;] sv;pn; a;he. ty;;s;;@I ES cells s;]x;;eQ;n; hI aek:c; a;x;; m;l; WrlelI a;he.
m;;y;k:l g;>In; n;;v;;c;; aek: n;! p;;ik:*ns;n;n;e b;rIc; v;{;*] a;j;;rI a;he. ty;;n;e y;uin;vhis;*!I a;|f: iv;sk:;|ins;n;l; 3 k:;e!I #;|ls;*c;I m;dt;
ES cell v;r s;]x;;eQ;n; k:r[y;;s;;@I idlelI a;he.
ES cells v;Eêk:Iy; x;;sF;;c;; p;;y;;c; b;dlUn; !;k:[;;r a;he. Hy;; p;ex;I x;rIr;cy;; jy;; B;;g;;l; j;x;I j;r:r a;he ty;;n;us;;r b;dlt;; y;et;;t;. ty;; m;UF;ip;]#;cy;; p;ex;I]s;;rKy;; h;et;;t;. aeK;;ê; h&dy;;cy;; p;ex;I aQ;U as;leDy;; r:g[;;t; ty;; in;r;eg;I h&dy;;cy;; p;ex;I b;n;U x;k:t;;t;, #;y;b;ei!k: p;ex;]!m;Qy;e ty;; sv;t;/hUn; wns;uiln; b;n;v;U x;k:[;;Ry;; sv;;duip;]#;s;;rKy;; k:rt;; y;et;Il (pancreas ) , p;;ik:*ns;n; z;;leDy;; r;egy;;]cy;; m;]edUt;Un; g;;y;b; z;;lele #;ep;;im;n; n;;v;;c;; sF;;v; Hy;; p;ex;I in;m;;*[; k:r: x;k:t;Il, rT;:;c;; k:|ns;r as;leDy;; r;egy;;l; Hy;; p;ex;Im;uLe n;v;In; rT;: b;n;v;t;; y;ewl. ES cells m;Q;Un; ag;dI h;#;cy;; p;ex;I deK;Il n;vy;;n;e b;n;v;t;; y;et;Il.
ES cells n;I j;g;;c;e lZ; v;eQ;Un; G;et;le a;he. as;;Qy; r;eg;;]cy;; r:g[;;]n;; j;g;[y;;c;I n;v;In; a;x;; de[;;Ry;; Hy;; p;ex;Im;uLe Regenerative medicine ax;I n;v;I x;;K;; in;m;;*[; h;eW: x;k:el. p;;iSc;m;;ty; v; p;;Ev;;ty; s;]x;;eQ;k:;]n;; Hy;; p;ex;Idv;;r;, n;v;n;v;In; x;;eQ; l;v;;y;c;;, j;[;U s;uv;[;*y;;eg;c; c;;lUn; a;lel; a;he.
ES cells mh[;j;e k:;y; ? ty;; k:x;; as;t;;t; ? Hy;; p;ex;I]m;Q;e ag;i[;t; k:;L;p;y;*t; iv;B;;j;n; h;eW:n; iv;x;e{; p;ex;I in;m;;*[; k:r;y;c;I Z;m;t;; as;t;e. j;evh; x;uF;:j;]t;Uc;e (sperm) sF;Ib;Ij;;b;r;eb;r (ovum) m;Iln; h;et;e, t;evh; g;B;;*c;I v;;$ s;ur: h;et;e.Hy;; m;Iln;;m;uLe j;I p;ex;I t;y;;r h;et;e, it;cy;;t; s;]p;U[;* m;;n;v; b;n;v;;y;c;I Z;m;t;; as;t;e, mh[;Un; it;l; s;]p;U[;* s;Z;m; p;ex;I mh[;t;;t; (Totipotent; their potential is total). hI p;ex;I s;]m;Iln; z;;Dy;;cy;; k:;hI t;;s;;]cy;; a;t; a;p;Dy;;s;;rKy;;c; s;]p;U[;* s;Z;m; p;ex;I t;y;;r k:rt;e. Hy;;t;Il aek:n;aek: p;ex;I sF;Icy;; g;B;;*x;y;;t; re;p;[; k:eDy;;v;r @ev;Dy;;v;r aK;]# m;;n;v; k:r: x;k:t;e. ax;; j;evh; de;n; p;ex;I iv;B;;g;Dy;; j;;t;;t; t;evh; n;;hI k:; j;uLI m;ul] j;nm;t; ? m;Iln;;n;]t;r c;;r idv;s;;]n;I v; an;ek: v;eL; iv;B;;j;n; z;;Dy;;n;]t;r , Hy;; s;]p;U[;* s;Z;m; p;ex;Im;Q;Un; iv;ix;{! p;ex;I]c;I in;m;I*t;I vh;y;l; s;ur:v;;t; h;et;e.
p;>q;m; aek: g;;el;k:;r t;y;;r h;et;;e. ty;;l; bl;s!;eis;s!(
Blastocyst) mh[;t;;t;. Hy;;cy;; b;;her aek: p;ex;I]c;; q;r v; a;t;Dy;; b;;j;Ul; aek: p;ex;I]c;; s;m;Uh as;t;;e, jy;;l; wn;r se;l m;;s; (Inner cell mass) mh[;t;;t;. b;;hercy;; q;r;p;;s;Un; pl;se;]!;c;I ( v;;r ) in;im;*t;I h;et;e v; wn;r se;l m;;s;p;;s;Un; m;;n;v;I x;rIr;c;I. wn;r se;l m;;s;cy;; p;ex;I s;]p;U[;* m;;n;v;;c;I in;im;*t;I k:r: x;k:t; n;;hIt; k:;r[; ty;; pl;s;e]!; b;n;v;U x;k:t; n;;hIt;, mh[;Un; wn;r se;l m;;s;cy;; p;ex;I]n;; plUrIp;;e!]! (pluripotent) as;e mh[;t;;t;. mh[;j;e K;Up; t;Rhecy;; p;ex;I. p;r]t;u ty;; s;]p;U[;* s;Z;m; n;s;t;;t; mh[;j;e v;eg;Ly;; x;bd;t; s;;]g;;y;c; z;;l] t;r ty;;]cy;;t; sF;Icy;; g;B;;*x;y;;t; @ev;Dy;;v;r m;;n;v; im;n;;*[; k:r;y;c;I Z;m;t;; n;s;Dy;;m;uLe y;; Totipotent h;eW: x;k:t; n;;hIt;. wn;r se;l m;;s; mh[;j;ec; s!em; s;eDs; p;ex;Ic;; j;n;k:.
Stem cell x;;sF; j;v;Lj;v;L 30 v;{;* j;un;] a;he. 1971 s;;lI Hy;; p;ex;I p;>q;m; W]dr;t; x;;eQ;[y;;t; a;Dy;; v; ty;; vd;re k:r[y;;t; a;lelI j;uj;b;I Wp;;y;y;;ej;n;; K;Up; v;{;*} aist;tv;;t; a;he. Wd;hr[;;q;* j;evh; k:|ns;r p;ex;]!n;; b;;en;m;|r;e !M;ns;pl;]! idl j;;t;], t;evh; ik:m;;eq;erp;In;e n;;x; p;;v;lel; B;;g; p;un;*j;Iv;It; k:r;y;l; s!em; se;Ds; idDy;; j;;t;;t;. t;rIhI ag;dI hDlIhDlIp;y;*t; x;;sF;N;]n;; s!em; s;eDs;m;uLe ik:t;I t;Rhec;; f:;y;d; h;eW: x;k:t;;e Hy;; g;;e{!Ic;; a]d;j; a;l; n;vht;;.s!em;s;eDs; aDp;j;Iv;I as;Dy;;m;uLe v; l|b;m;Q;e v;;$v;[;] k:@I[; as;Dy;;m;uLe s!em;se;Ds;cy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;t; a;#k:;@I in;m;;*[; z;;lI h;et;I. p;[; 1998 s;;lI iv;sk:;|ins;n; y;uin;vhis;*!Ic;e #;|. q;;|m;s;n; v; j;;|ns; h;|p;ik:ns; y;uin;vhis;*!Im;Q;Il #;|.ig;y;rh;!* y;;]n;I sv;t;]F;p;[;e Hy;; p;ex;I l|b;m;Q;e k:x;; v;;$v;t;; y;et;Il Hy;;c;; x;;eQ; l;v;l;. #;| q;;|m;s;n;n;I bl;s!;eis;s! s!ej;m;Q;e as;leDy;; g;B;;*m;Q;Dy;; wn;r se;l m;;s;p;;s;Un; plu;irp;;e!]! p;ex;I v;eg;Ly;; k:eDy;;. ty;;]n;I IVF ikln;Ik:m;Q;Dy;; p;ex;]!cy;; s;]m;t;In;e g;B;* im;Lv;le. plUirp;;e!]! p;ex;I g;B;;*t;Dy;; wn;rse;lm;;s; p;;s;Un; v;eg;Ly;; k:eDy;; v; ty;; p;e!MI i#x;m;Q;e v;;$v;Dy;;.ax;; rIt;In;e ty;;]n;I pluirp;;e!]! se;l l;wn; c;;lU k:elI. Hy;; Wl! #;|.ig;arh;!*n;I g;B;*p;;t; k:eleDy;; g;B;;*p;;s;Un; pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;I im;Lv;Dy;;. j;rI Hy;; d;en; s!em;s;el p;ex;Ic;; Wg;m; v;eg;L; as;l; t;rI, ty;;]c;I r:p;re{;; j;v;Lj;v;L s;;rK;Ic; h;et;I. Hy;; d;en; x;;sF;N;]n;I l;v;lel; h; x;;eQ; ES cells s;]x;;eQ;n;;c;; m;htv;;c;; !pp;; m;;n;l; j;;t;;e.
Stem Cells

ES cells m;uLe m;;n;v;;s;;@I ag;i[;t; f:;y;de h;eW: x;k:t;;t;.
1. m;;n;v;;c;I in;im;*t;I k:x;I h;et;e he s;m;j;[;e ait;x;y; ikl{! a;he.
ES cells cy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;m;uLe he k:L[y;;s; s;;ep;e j;;w*l. ES cells cy;; p;&{@ B;;g;;v;r as;leDy;; k:;hI iv;ix;{! j;;g;;]k:rv;I m;;n;v;;cy;; in;im;*t;Ic;e a;dex; j;n;uk:;]n;; (Genes) k:s;e im;Lt;;t;, he s;]x;;eQ;n; j;r ES cells m;ub;lk: p;>m;;[;;t; Wp;lbQ; z;;Dy;; t;r f:;rc; s;;ep;] j;;w*l. he a;dex; vy;v;isq;t; a;le t;r m;;[;Us; in;re;g;I j;nm;t;;e p;[; c;uk:Ic;e s;]dex; idDy;;m;uLe j;nm;j;;t; vy;]g; WdB;v;U x;k:t;e v;; n;]t;r k:\ns;rs;;rK;e as;;Qy; r;eg; WdB;v;t;;t;.p;ex;Ic;e k:;y;* s;urLIt; k:s;e c;;lt;e he j;r n;I! k:Lle t;r G;;t;k: a;j;;r k:x;;m;uLee h;et;;t; v; ty;;]n;; k:;e[;c;I a;E{;Q;e l;g;U p;#t;Il hehI s;]x;;eQ;k:;n;; x;;eQ;t;; y;ew*l.
2. m;;n;v;I pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;I s;]x;;eQ;n;;m;uLe a;E{;Q;;c;I in;imI*t;I v; ty;;c;I s;uriZ;t;t;; p;;rK;t;; y;ewl. s;Qy;; n;vy;; a;E{;Q;;c;I in;im;*t;I hI f:;r dIG;* v; K;ic;*k: b;;b; a;he. k:Q;Ik:Q;I k:;e!y;;v;Q;I #;\ls;* v; v;{;;*n;uv;{;;*c;e s;]x;;eQ;n; K;c;* k:r:n;hI t;I a;E{;Q;e m;;n;v;I Wp;y;;eg;;s;;@I ay;;egy; as;lelI a;$LUn; y;et;;t;. Hy;;m;uLe p;Ex;;c;; v; v;eLec;; ap;vy;y; h;et;;e.
ES cells j;r; s;hj; rIty;; Wp;lbQ; z;;Dy;; t;r #Mg; k]:p;ny;; n;v;In; a;E{;Q;;c;e p;>y;;eg; ty;; p;ex;Iv;r k:rt;Il v; j;I a;E{;Q;e ES cells v;r s;]x;;eQ;n; k:r:n; Wp;y;uT;: v; iht;;v;h a;$Lt;Il, ty;; a;E{;Q;;c;ec; n;]t;r l\b;m;Q;Dy;; p;>;[]y;;v;r p;>y;;eg; h;eW: x;k:t;Il.
3. pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;Ic;; h;e[;;r; s;v;;*t; dUrg;;m;I f:;y;d; mh[;j;e s;el q;erp;I. m;;n;v;;l; h;e[;;re b;rec;s;e a;j;;r p;ex;I]c;e x;rIr;t;le k:;y;* q;;]b;Dy;;m;uLe v;; ib;G;#Dy;;m;uLe h;et;;t;.s;Qy;; ib;G;;# z;;leDy;; av;y;v;;cy;; j;;g;I d;n; k:elele av;y;v; (
Donor organs) b;s;v;le j;;t;;t;.dudEv;;n;e jy;;cy;; av;y;v;;t; ib;G;;# z;;l; a;he ax;; r:g[;;]c;I s;]Ky;; j;e l;ek: av;y;v; d;n; k:r: wic%t;;t; ax;; le;k:;p;eZ;; ik:t;It;rI p;!In;e aiQ;k: as;t;e.ty;;m;uLe av;y;v; im;L[y;;s; iv;l]b; h;et;;e.t;s;ec; d;n; k:ellee av;y;v; x;rIr;t; b;s;v;[;] he deK;Il K;Up; K;c;;*c;e k:;m; a;he.pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;I k:#Un; he ib;G;;# z;;leDy;; av;y;v;;s;;rKy;; p;ex;I t;y;;r k:r:n; G;et;Dy;; t;r m;Q;um;eh, s;]iQ;v;;t;, alz;;y;m;r, h&dr;eg;,m;jj;;s;]sq;ec;e r;eg; ax;; as;]Ky; re;g;;c;e s;m;UL in;r;k:r[; k:r[y;;t; y;eW: x;k:el. v;Eêik:y; x;;sF;;t;Il k:u@lIhI x;ky;t;; Hy;; p;ex;Im;uLe v;]ic;t; r;hU x;k:[;;r n;;hI. j;uny;; h&dre;g;;cy;; duK;[;ek:Ry;;l; n;v;In; p;ex;I G;;t;Dy;;m;uLe ty;;c;] h&dy; n;vy;;n;e k:;m; k:r: x;k:el.pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;Ip;;s;Un; b;n;v;leDy;; h&dy;;cy;; p;ex;I a;j;;rI h&dy;;t; G;;lUn; ty;;c; k:;y;* p;Uv;*v;>t; k:r;y;c;I x;ky;t;; a;he.W]dr;s;;rKy;; wt;r p;>;[y;;]v;r k:elele p;>y;;eg; Hy;; g;;e{!Ic;I is;àt;; det;;t;.
4. m;Q;um;eh;cy;; r:g[;;t; ( #;y;b;ei!s; p;>k:;r 1 ) sv;;duip;]#;cy;; iv;ix;{! “a;y;le! s;eDs; p;ex;Ip;;s;Un; wns;uiln; he dm;;[;t; t;y;;r h;et; n;;hI.Hy;; iv;ix;{! p;ex;I j;r x;rIr;t; G;;t;Dy;; g;eDy;; t;r wns;uiln;c;I w]j;ekx;ns; Gy;;y;l; l;g;[;;r n;;hIt;. pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;In;; j;r a;y;le! p;ex;I s;;rK;] b;dll] t;r #;y;b;ei!s; cy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;t; K;Up; h;t;B;;r l;g;[;;r a;he. sp;|in;x; s;]x;;eQ;k:];n;I W]dr];m;Q;e Hy;; wns;uiln; in;m;;*[; k:r[;;Ry;; p;ex;I]c;I in;im;*t;I k:elelI a;he.
5. am;erik:et;Il k:;hI s;]x;;eQ;k:;]n;I m;e]dUt;Un; #ep;;im;n; Hy;; d>vy;;c;I in;im;*t;I k:r[;;Ry;; K;;s; p;ex;I]c;I v;;$ k:r[y;;;t; y;x; im;Lv;l] a;he. Hy;; p;ex;I]t; ib;G;;# z;;Dy;;m;uLec; p;;ik*:ns;n; h; r;eg; h;et;;e. #;.ig;y;rh;!*Ucy;; j;;|n; h;;|p;ik:ns;m;Q:Il s;hk:;Ry;;]n;I
ES p;ex;I]dv;;r;, aQ;;*]g; z;;leDy;; W]dr;l; p;rt; h;lc;;l k:r[y;;s; WêuT;: k:el] a;he,
6. hEd>;b;d y;eq;Il #;.| p;>s;;d he n;eF; iv;B;;g;t;Il s;]x;;eQ;k:
ES p;ex;Ic;; Wp;y;;eg; a]Q;;]c;I à{!I im;Lv;[y;;s;;@I k:rt; a;het;. B;;rt;;m;Q;e h&dr;eg;;c;e p;>m;;[; f:;rc; as;Dy;;m;uLe s;]x;;eQ;k:;c;; dus;r; g;! jy;; ES p;ex;Iv;rIl k:;els!er;|lc;e p;>m;;[; b;r;eb;r a;he, ax;; p;ex;Idv;;r; h&dr;eg;;v;r s;]x;;eQ;n; k:rt; a;he. hUdre;g;;cy;; K;Up; r:g[;;m;Q;e k:;els!er;\lcey;I j;n;uk:;t; (genes) ib;G;;# as;t;;e. Hy;; r:g[;;c;e y;k:&t; (Liver) j;r:rIp;eZ;; j;;st; p;>m;;[;;t; LDL he v;;w*! p;àt;Ic;e k:;eles!er;\l b;n;v;t; as;t;. ax;; in;k:;m;I y;k:&t;;t; jy;;c;] k:;els!er;|lc;] j;n;uk: vy;v;isq;t; a;het; ax;; ES p;ex;I G;;lUn; k:;els!er;|lc;I in;im;*t;I s;uQ;r;v;y;c;; p;>y;tn; k:;hI s;]x;;eQ;k: k:rt; a;het;.
7. 2006 s;;lcy;; s;ur:v;;t;Il;
Geron hI k:|ilf:;ein;*y;;t; as;lelI b;;y;;e!ekn;;|l;\ij;k:l k:]p;n;I m;jj;;t;]t;Uc;e r;eg; ES p;ex;Ivd;r; b;re k:r;y;cy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; s;ur:v;;t; k:r[;;r a;he.

Hy;; s;g;Ly;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; m;uKy; a#c;[; y;et; a;he t;I mh[;j;e irj;ekx;n;c;I. aek:; m;;[;s;;cy;; p;ex;I dus;Ry;;cy;; x;rIr;t; r;ep;[; k:r;y;l; l;g;Dy;;v;r ty;; lg;ec; b;;her f:ek:Dy;; j;;t;;t;. k:;r[; ty;; d;en; m;;[;s;;]c;I j;n;uk]: s;;rK;I n;s;t;;t;. h; F;;s; dUr k:r;y;l; s;]x;;eQ;k:;]n;I aek: v;eg;LI y;uT;:I y;;ej;lI. it;c; n;;v; a;he
Somatic cell nuclear transfer. ( SCNT ) . s;]x;;eQ;k:;]n;I aek:; p;>;[y;;cy;; a]#y;;t;l; ny;uikly;s; k:;$Un; !;k:l;. j;;e B;;g; Wrt;;e ty;;t; g;B;;*cy;; v;;$Is;;@I l;g;[;;rI B;rp;Ur d>vy;e as;t;;t;. ty;;n;]t;r aek:; p;>y;;eg;x;;Let; k:;Lj;Ip;Uv;*k: vy;v;sq;; k:r:n; x;rIr;c;I aeK;;dI p;ex;I ny;Uikly;s; k:;$leDy;; a]#Y;x;ej;;rI @ev;lI j;;t;e v; ty;; de;nhI p;ex;I iv;êut; v; r;s;;y;in;k: p;>iF;:y;; k:r:n; j;;e#Dy;; j;;t;;t;. Hy;; j;;e#Dy;; g;eleDy;; p;ex;It; s;]p;U[;* m;;n;v; in;m;;*[; k:r;y;c;I Z;m;t;; as;t;e. jy;; m;;[;s;;t; hI p;ex;I G;;t;lI j;;w*l t;;e t;I b;;her f:ek:[;;r n;;hI k:;r[; t;I p;ex;I ty;;c;Ic; a;he. ax;; t;Rhen;e SCNT v;;p;r:n; Hy;; p;ex;Ip;;s;Un; bl;s!;eis;s! t;y;;r h;ew*l. ty;;t;Il wn;r se;l m;;s; p;;s;Un; pluirp;;e!]! p;ex;I in;m;;*[; h;eW: x;k:t;Il. s;g;LI Genetic m;;iht;I ny;Uikly;s;m;Q;ec; as;Dy;;m;uLe Hy;; p;ex;Ip;;s;Un; t;y;;r z;;leDy;; s;v;* p;ex;I]n;; ty;;c; m;;[;s;;cy;; x;rIr;t; p;rt; G;;t;Dy;; t;r ty;; b;;her f:ek:Dy;; j;;[;;r; n;;hIt;. ty;; m;;[;s;;n;; Immune suppressant a;E{;Q;;c;e G;;t;k: p;ir[;;m; B;;eg;;y;l; l;g;[;;r n;;hIt;. y;; p;àt;Il; Therapeutic cloning mh[;t;;t;.
p;[; Hy;;
ES p;ex;I]cy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; K;Up; Q;;im;*k: v; n;Eit;k: iv;re;Q; s;hn; k:r;y;l; l;g;t;;e a;he. j;e re;m;n; k:\q;ilk: v; Evangelical iK;xc;n; l;ek: , j;Iv;;c;I s;ur:v;;t; sF;Ib;;Ij; v; p;ur:{;b;Ij;;cy;; s;]m;Iln;;p;;s;Un; h;et;e as; m;;n;t;;t; , he l;ek: iv;x;e{; k:r:n; iv;r;eQ;;t; a;het;. k:;r[; p;ex;It;l; ny;Uikly;s; k:;$[;e mh[;j;e j;Iv;;c;I n;;s;;#I k:r[;e. p;[; Wd;rm;t;v;;dI v; x;;sF;Iy; iv;c;;rs;r[;I as;lele l;ek: ES cells m;Q;e j;Iv; as;t;;e as;] m;;n;t; n;;hIt;. ty;;]cy;; m;t;e m;Iln;;n;]t;r 14 vy;; idv;x;I j;Iv;;c;I s;ur:v;;t; h;et;e. ty;;]cy;; m;t;e ES cells Hy;; x;rIr;cy;; k:s;Dy;;hI B;;g;;cy;; p;ex;Ic; n;s;Un; ty;; x;rIr;m;Q;e n;vhe t;r p;>y;;eg;x;;Let; p;e!MI i#x;m;Q;e b;n;v;leDy;; a;het; . am;erik:et;Il b;hus;]Ky; 83 !kk:e l;ek: ES cells m;uLe an;ek: as;;Qy; re;g; b;re h;eW:n; m;;n;v;I j;Iv;n; s;uQ;;r[y;;cy;; a;x;em;uLe Hy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; p;;i@]b;; det;;t;.
2001 cy;; a;\g;s! m;ihny;;t; p;>eis;#e]! b;ux;n;I
ES cells f:T;: 60 p;ex;I]cy;;c; s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; s;rk:;rI an;ud;n; m;;ny; k:el]. g;B;;*t;Il ny;Uikly;s; k:;$Un; G;e[y;;cy;; k:s;Dy;;hI n;v;In; k:;m;;l; s;rk:;rI p;;i@]b;; n;;hI. ty;; 60 p;ex;I]p;Ek:I a;t;; f:T;: 22 Wp;y;;eg;;t; a;het;. b;;k:Icy;; k:s;l;t;rI s;]s;g;* h;eW:n; in;r:p;y;;eg;I z;;Dy;; a;het;. Hy;;m;uLe s;]x;;eQ;n;;v;r b;}Q;n;] a;lI a;het;. ty;;m;uLe K;Up;s;e am;erik:n; s;]x;;eQ;k: dus;Ry;; b;;y;;e!ekn;;|l;|ij;k:l k:]p;ny;;]k:#Un; m;dt;Ic;I ap;eZ;; k:rt; a;het; v;; ij;q;e Hy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; k:;hI b;]Q;n;] n;;hIt; ax;; aeK;;ê; dus;Ry;; dex;;l; sq;l;]t;r k:r[y;;cy;; iv;c;;r;t; a;het;. K;Up;x;; b;;y;;e!kn;;|l;|ij;k:l k:]p;ny;; ES cells s;]x;;eQ;n;;c;; B;;v;I Wp;y;;eg; ids;t; as;Dy;;m;uLe ty;;v;r K;Up; K;c;* k:rt; a;het; . j;rI hI Wts;;h;c;I b;;b; a;he, t;rI Hy;; k:]p;ny;;]c;; m;uKy; het;U h; p;Es;; k:m;;v;[;] h; a;he ty;;m;uLe Hy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;;t; K;Up; %up;ep;[;; a;he. Wl! s;rk:;rI an;ud;n;;n;e c;;lleDy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;c;I x;;sF;N WG;#p;[;e v;;cy;t;; v; c;c;;* k:r: x;k:t;;t;. Hy;;m;uLe s;]x;;eQ;n;;c;I p;un;r:iT;: k:m;I h;et;e.j;rI k:e]d> s;rk:;r;n;e b;]Q;n;] G;;t;lI t;rI b;rIc;x;I r;jy;e ES cells c;; p;ursk:;r k:rt; a;het;. k:|ilf:;ein;*y;;t; n;;evhe]b;r 2004 s;;lI p;>;\p;;eiz;x;n; 71 n;;v;;c;; aek: @r;v; p;;s; z;;l; jy;;y;;eg;e 70 !kk:e j;n;t;en;e y;; s;]x;eQ;n;;l; p;;i@]b;; idl; a;he. Hy;; r;jy;;n;e 3 ib;lIy;n; #;|lr k:\ilf:;ein;*y;; win!!YU! a;|f: irj;n;rei!vh m;ei#is;n; Hy;; s;sq;el; ES cells v;r s;]x;;eQ;n; k:r[y;;s;;@I m;uF;:r k:ele. Hy;;p;;@e;p;;@ ny;Uj;s;I*s;;rKy;; wt;r r;jy;;t;hI Rutgers y;uni;vhis;*!I v; UMDNJ Hy;; d;enhI s;sq;;n;I im;LUn; ny;Uj;s;I* wins!!YU! a;f: s!em; se;l irs;c;* s;ur: k:el] a;he. dh; k:;e!I #;|ls;*cy;; K;;j;g;I v; in;m;K;;j;g;I s!em; s;el f:]#;t;le s;;#es;h; k:;e!I #;|ls;* he ny;Uj;s;I* r;jy; de[;;r a;he. Hy;;vy;it;irT;: 50 k:;e!I #;|ls;*c;I K;;j;g;I v; in;m;K;;j;g;I rkk:m; p;u$cy;; p;;c; v;{;;*]t; v;;p;rlI j;;[;;r a;he. ny;Uy;;\k:*, k:n;ei!k:!, iv;sk:;|ins;n; a;i[; wt;rhI im;#v;es!n;* r;jy;e y;;s;;rK;; Wp;k>:m; h;t;I G;et; a;het;. m;|s;|cy;us;e! r;jy;;t;Il h;v;*#* y;uin;vhis;*!In;e t;r hDlIc; aek:; h;v;*#* s!em; s;el irs;c;* wins;!y;U! Hy;; n;v;In; s;]sq;ec;] n;;m;k:r[; k:el]. ax;; s;rk:;rI k:uc;]b;[;em;uLe K;Up;s;e t;r:[; a;i[; hux;;r x;;sF;N s;rk:;rI an;ud;n;;v;r j;g;[;;Ry;; s;]sq;; s;;e#Un; j;;t; a;het;.
a;ix;y;;w* dex;;t;hI
ES cell irs;c;* j;;er;t; c;;lU a;he. d. k:;eiry;;, j;p;;n;,is;]g;;p;Ur, t;Ev;;n; v; c;In; s;;rK;e dex; y;; Z;eF;;t; ag;>[;I b;n;le a;het;.m;;n;v;I g;B;;*c;] kl;ein;]g; k:r:n; ty;;n;I s!em; s;eDs;cy;; 11 p;>iF;:y;; s;ur: k:eDy;;, jy;; d;en; t;e 56 v;y;;cy;; 11 t;Dy;; 9 p;ex;]!;]cy;; j;n;uk:;x;I (Genes) hub;ehub; im;Lt; h;ety;;. Hy;;t; 8 r:g[; m;jj;;rjj;Ucy;; duK;;p;t;Ic;e h;et;e, aek: m;Q;um;eh as;lel; 6 v;{;;*c;; m;ulg;; h;et;; v; aek: 2 v;{;;*c;; Congental hypogammaglobulinemia s;;rKy;; duim;*L r;eg;;c;; ix;k:;r h;et;;. p;ihDy;;]d; p;;iScm;;ty; s;]x;;eQ;k: he s;]x;;eQ;n;;l; p;;i@]b;; ê;y;l; k:c;rt; h;et;e. p;[; h;v;*#* m;ei#k:l sk:Ul m;Q;Il s;]x;;eQ;k: a;i[; j;;g;it;k: s!em; se;l irs;c;* s;]sq;ec;; aQYZ; j;g;p;>is;à x;;sF;N #\;. len;;#* z;;\n; hY;]n;I ty;; k:;m;;c;; 'f:;rc; m;;e@; p;Dl; g;;@lel k:;m;' as;; g;;Erv; k:l;. ty;; dex;;t;lI s;ub;T;; v; s;rk:;rc;; p;;i@]b;; t;s;]c; K;;j;g;I s;]sq;;]n;I idlel] an;ud;n; y;;m;uLe K;Up;x;; a;ix;y;;w* dex;;t; he s;]x;;eQ;n; j;;er;t; c;;llel] a;he. t;s;]c; Hy;; dex;;t;Il K;Up;x;; f:!I*lI!Iv;r irs;c;* k:r[;;Ry;; s;]sq;;hI !;k:Un; idlel; g;B;* s;]x;;eQ;n;;s;;@I v;;p;r;y;c;I p;rv;;n;g;I det;;t;. B;;rt;hI s;rk:;rcy;;, K;;j;g;I s;]sq;;]cy;; v; IVF ikln;Iks;cy;; p;;i@]by;;m;uLe Hy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;t; ag;>es;r a;he. B;;rt;;t; ES cell l;wns;c;; s;v;;e*tk:&{! K;ij;n;; a;he. Q;Ir:B;;w* a]b;;n;I]n;I s;ur: k:eleDy;; irl;y;ns; w#s!MIj;n;e m;u]b;w*t; Hy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;s;;@I aek: s;]sq;; k:;$lI a;he. Hy;;t; B;rp;Ur p;Es;; as;Dy;;ix;v;;y; a]b;;n;Is;;rK;e m;;t;bb;r l;ek: y;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;t; p;#[;;r n;;hIt;. K;Up;x;; l;ek:;]cy;; m;t;e ES cells irs;c;* mh[;j;e s;;en;] de[;;rI k:;e]b;#I a;he.
j;rI hY;c;e K;Up; f:;y;de as;le t;rI Hy;;t; a#c;[;IhI K;Up; a;het;. 1)x;;sF;N;]n;;
ES cells c;] v;eg;v;eg;Ly;; av;y;v;;]cy;; p;ex;I]t; r:p;;]t;r k:s;] k:r;y;c;] he aj;Un; n;I!s;] m;;iht; n;;hI, 2) Hy;; p;ex;Ic;] k:\ns;rcy;; p;ex;I]m;Q;e t;r r:p;;]t;r h;e[;;r n;;hI n;; Hy;;c;I k:;Lj;I ty;;]n;; v;;!t;e, 3) n;v;In; t;y;;r z;;leDy;; p;ex;I a;j;;r;c;; n;;x; ik:t;p;t; k:rt;Il Hy;;b;ddl t;e j;r; s;;x;]k: a;het;. p;r]t;u j;g;B;r c;;lleDy;; s;]x;;eQ;n;;m;uLe Hy;; p;>Sn;;]c;I WT;r] j;r:r im;Lt;Il Hy;;c;I ty;;]n;; K;;F;I a;he.

2005 s;;lcy;; m;e m;ihny;;t; s!em; sel ib;l h;W:s; a|f: rep;>ez;e]!ei!vh s;m;;er m;;]#[y;;t; a;l]]. p;e>is;#e]! b;ux;n;e he ib;l fe:!;LUn; l;iv;n; ax;I Q;m;k:I idlI. s;en;e! m;ej;;|ir!I lI#r irp;iblk:n; s;dsy; ib;l if>:s! Hy;;]n;Ie p;e>is;#e]! b;ux;cy;; iv;r;eQ;;t; j;;W:n; Hy;; ib;l;l; s;]m;t;I dx;*v;lI a;i[; s;g;^y;;]n;; a;Sc;y;;*c;; Q:kk:; idl;.
Utah r;jy;;t;Il ab;;|x;*n; iv;r;eQ;I dus;r; irp;iblk:n; s;dsy; s;en;e!r a;\irn; h|c; y;;n;e iv;Q;;n; k:ele, "There is no greater way to promote life than to defeat death and stem cell research amy provide a way to do that. An embryo in a laboratory dish can be used for stem cell research because it has no capacity to develop into a person. Only after an embryo is transferred into a woman’s womb is that natural capacity to beaomce a person is attained and only then the government gains an intrest in protecting that entity." Provided the research is restricted to such cells and federally supervised, is this not a sensible and moral way to accelerate the time when the fruirs of this research can relieve human suffering. President Bush may try to stop ES stem cell research on religious and ethical grounds but he has to understand what Time magazine described succinctly "Science moves only in forward direction.”

Hy;; leK;;t;Il b;hut;ek: m;;iht;I
NIH b;eq;es#;, m;eirl]# m;Q;Il K;Up;x;; leK;;]t;Un; G;et;lI g;elI a;he.
ih]dU Q;m;;*p;>m;;[;e j;Iv;;c;I s;ur:v;;t; hI b;Ij;;cy;; m;Iln;;p;;s;Un;c; h;et;e. p;[; ih]dU Q;m;* h; ait;x;y; s;hn;x;Il v; p;ur;eg;;m;I as;Dy;;m;uLe b;hut;ek: ih]dU l;ek:;]c;; s!em; se;l irs;c;*l; p;;i@]b;;c; r;ihl k:;r[; Hy;;p;;s;Un; b;Ry;;c; l;ek:;]cy;; b;Ry;;c; r;eg;;]c;] in;r;k:r[; h;e[;;r a;he.

-- y;x;v;]t; k:;rK;;n;Is;

Comments ...
docamrud | 16 Dec : 06:25
Comments: 6

Registered: 28 Aug : 05:48

Dear Dr.Y. Karkhanis, this article of yours is very informative and thought provoking. I liked it very much. I am a Rtd. Developmental Biologist(Embryologist) and I will like to discuss some important and partinent aspects about this Article. I agree with you that the Stem Cells have great potential for theoreticaly correcting the defficiencies or loss of functional tissues in human organs and alliviating the clinical symptoms. Also Religious or faith based ideologies should not interfere in persuit of basic / and or medical knowledge, where the main goal is the BETTERMENT of ALL BEINGS! The promise is very attractive one and may be attainable in future; but not yet acheieved. Unless the technique of Cloning individual specific stem cells is established, to avoid immunocompetence. Although the Embryonic stem cells are Totipotent(probable candiates for neoplastic transformations) the desired Specialization( Organ and Tissue specific Differentiation) with the help of Inducers is very tricky proposition, although acheievable in a distant future. As a causcious approach, for example the Insulomas(Evassive cancer of the ilet cells) , although differentiated islet cells ; secrete the Insulin, but are extremely evassive - so what is the garrontte that ES cells after directional differentiation will not become neoplastic? The ES cells are purported to be the source of cancerous transforamtions in situ and in vitro! I am not a nay sayer, or pecimist, but with all the potential problems and the Vagaries of the Biological systems; If all these aspects are taken in to the account , certainly we can be optimistic and paint the Rosey future for the cure of all the ailments/sufferings of the Mankind and Living beings! "Servetra sukhina santu, Serve santu niramyah, Serve bhadrani pachyantu MA KASCHHIT DUKHHaMAPNUYAT !!!" sincerely,docamrud.

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